Feel free to talk to us! 919-703-1956

image of a woman and a man

About Us

A non a non-profit organization in North Carolina for the Moroccan community
Who We Are

WIAM ASSOCIATION FOR MOROCCAN COMMUNITY is a non-profit organization committed to empowering the Moroccan community in North Carolina and other states. Our organization operates in accordance with the North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act, ensuring that we remain transparent and accountable in all our activities. We are proud to be a community-driven organization, and we welcome individuals and organizations who share our values to join us in our mission.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower and uplift the Moroccan community in North Carolina and beyond. We desire to represent the interests of the Moroccan community in education, healthcare, coaching, and support for entrepreneurship to promote better integration in the USA and create more benefits for our country, Morocco. We also help Moroccan students achieve their goals, and support women and girls in crisis. We aim to instill patriotism in our kids.

WIAM mission is to bring together all Moroccans. Our holistic approach integrates on-the-ground services for the creation of stable homes, help every girl and woman feel valued, and provide children and families with the opportunity to focus their lives and develop the confidence, skills, intellectual ability, spiritual insight and moral integrity. We also seek to develop large-scale solutions that incorporate greater awareness and engagement by Moroccan community.

We believe that a stable home is often the first step on the journey to independence, but we know that no one gets out of poverty without a job. WIAM Career Support Program offers job readiness training and individualized coaching on skills such as conflict resolution, time management, emotional intelligence, networking, and financial planning, alongside support with resume writing, interview preparation, and the online job search.

WIAM Mentoring relationships Program provide youth with the ability to develop their skills, create new opportunities, make healthy choices and ultimately achieve their full potential. Moroccan Mentors act as guides, role models and accountability partners for our youth. We will work close to our kids in order to instill patriotism.

The safety of Moroccan women and girls is our priority. Women and girls face multiple forms of oppression, which further reduce their power and choice. Our association believe that when women have economic opportunities, it can enhance their status in their households and communities. WIAM is engaged to support Moroccan women and girls in crisis to get back to normal and safely generate an income.

At WIAM, we share your commitment to service. Your support will allow us to continue to serve with compassion every day, and to turn creative ideas and unrelenting efforts into lasting change for thousands of Moroccan families.

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to create a brighter future for the Moroccan community in North Carolina and further, where every Moroccan individual has access to the education, healthcare, and support they need to thrive. We envision a community fully integrated into the society, and one where our culture is celebrated and appreciated.

By working together, we can empower the Moroccan community and make a real impact on people’s lives. Contact us today to learn more about how you can get involved and help make a difference.